
A call to volunteers from all walks of life: we can always use your help.

The financial contributions of our donors and members are essential for sustaining our work and staying true to our mission. Your civic action allows us to show current decision makers that the fight led by the AQDMD is in fact a fight led by a whole, united community that believes in the right to die with dignity.


You too can become a part of history!

Join our movement!

Date modified: 2024-12-18

I want to get involved through citizen action.

What can I do?

Federal consultation on early applications: get involved now!

Health Canada has just launched a broad public consultation on advance requests for medical assistance in dying (MAID). The aim is to gather a wide range of opinions and experiences in order to develop the legal framework for MA in Canada.


Deadline: February 13, 2025, midnight.

I testify to my reality!

The AQMDMD would like to hear from you. We want to know about your reality, your challenges, your needs. We’d like to know why access to advance directives is important to you and your loved ones. Tell us how access to this care has changed your reality.